Friday, April 22, 2016

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Personalities most powerful technology in 2016 according to TIME

Personalities most powerful technology in 2016 according to TIME

Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan, Tim Cook, Sundar Pichai and Yuri Milner are some of the characters in the world of technology that are changing the world, according to the American magazine Time.

"We admire the vision of an interconnected world of Priscilla Chan and Mark Zuckerberg where all people have the opportunity to exploit their talents," said Bill and Melinda Gates on two of the Titans selected by the publication in its most recent edition of the 100 most influential characters of the year.

The founder of Microsoft and his wife added that they are: "curious, ambitious, thinkers, open mind and a big heart. They have the willingness to grow and learn and care deeply about improve inequities that are seen in the world."
chan y zuck

To do this, add that in addition to Zuckerberg created a company, Facebook, change the way the world connects, and Chan is committed to improving the health of children, the creation of his Chan Zuckerberg initiative - making a donation to 99% of their wealth means that «change the world once is not enough for them. We can't wait to see what they will do in the coming decades".

tim cook happy

Tim Cook Director Ejecutivo de Apple also Bob Iger, president and ceoof the Walt Disney Co., reads as follows:

"The success of Director (Apple) of the value and the character that requires knowledge and according to the highest ethical standards, whocan regularly query the status quo, including the relevant conversations as a culture and a society." Tim Cook is the type of leader, said Iger.

"In his Southern mannerisms and shy behavior, is the man at the doorfor his personal beliefs. Tim is committed to the good things in the right way, at the right time and for the right reasons. As CEO, he led Apple to new heights and continue to build a brand world, widely recognized as a leader in the market and is highly respected by their values, said a Disney Executive.


Sundar Pichai, the new CEO of Google, is also part of the Titans of Time. Over it, Bill Nye, the renowned presenter of science in the United States has to say that "it has helped to change the world".

Man' science' has that Pichai was born in an environment of poverty in Chennai, India and that he discovered his aptitude for numbers when his family had its first phone at age 12.

"He is an engineer, also his wife. Engineers use science to solve problems and create things. Engineering applies a combination of logic and intuition to solve problems. It is a way of thinking that it leaves you ready to lead a company. All are waiting to see what produces after".

The physicist and Russian entrepreneur Yuri Milner also appears on the list and is the scientist Stephen Hawking, his partner in the Breakthrough Starshot mission, a project that seeks to send a spaceship to Alpha Centauri system - 4.37 light years from Earth - who describes it.

"It is a kind of visionary. He sees that while many exist good causes and pressing problems, finally our chances of survival as a species depend on feeding the precious flame of knowledge", says Hawking.

"Their investments are long term. Change the culture to one more committed to science and its virtues of curiosity and reason as supporting fundamental developments but with few funds, such as the search for life in the universe and the way to interstellar travel. These projects may take decades, but if they are successful they will transform our relationship with the cosmos", says scientist on his partner.

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The world's most powerful digital camera

The world's most powerful digital camera

Curiosity Mars Rover has started sending its first images in high resolution of the surface of Mars, but so far we had found with very poor, low quality images, which have given rise to a flurry of comments and questions: what kind of cameras has sent NASA to Mars?

The first images the rover transmitted shortly after landing were black and white and in low resolution, taken with a few small cameras installed on the bottom for any damage on its wheels. Then have been arriving with higher quality images, until they have been published in high resolution taken with the cameras of the mast.

It is there where the rover has installed a system composed of two chambers MastCam - manufactured by Malin Space Science Systems for NASA-, which are far more versatile team that has been sent on a mission of this kind. They remain two meters above the ground when the spacecraft is on a flat surface and both are able to record video to a high number of frames per second, even videos in high definition 720 p (1280 × 720 pixels) at a speed of 10 frames per second.

The difference between the two chambers lies mainly in its focal length and, therefore, the angle of vision who are able to photograph. The first mounted a 34 mm lens f/8 that covers an angle of 15 degrees and the second a lens 100 mm f/10 covering 5.1 °. For those who are not very positions in photography, the first is more suitable for the shots and the second to show detail.

The Curiosity Chambers are also able to take 360 degree panoramic photos and record 3D images by combining two lenses.

Each of the MastCam has an internal memory of 8 gigabytes that can store more than 5,500 images 'blank'. In addition, they are able to compress without loss of quality or loss in JPEG format and do it both in real time and subsequently, before sending them to the ground. However, NASA scientists do not receive directly the images, but a preview screenshots of poor quality ('thumbnail '), and then ask for photos that most interest them.

Like the weight of the files, the color treatment is one of the great difficulties in taking snapshots 'space', above all to get the camera to photograph possible more similar tones to those who would capture the human eye on Mars. This camera uses a Bayer filter, which ends with the need to take three photographs, one for each color model RGB (red, green and blue), using different filters, slowing the process and increasing the volume of data by store.

And with these cameras with which the Curiosity is taking the pictures that we see on Earth. Thus at the moment they appear as 'ugly' and they get better as its Martian journey progresses. Although, in sight of the specifications and technical tests carried out before sending the rover into space, not hopefully miracles.

Other cameras from the Curiosity

MAHLI: installed in a robotic arm, used to take microscopic images of the soil and rocks. With a focal length between 18.3 mm and 21.3 mm and a from 33.8 to 38.5 ° viewing angle, this camera can take photos color of 1600 × 1200 pixels with a resolution of up to 14.5 micrometers per pixel. You can store images ' gross' and compressed in JPEG.
MARDI: this camera was programmed to take pictures to color during the descent to the Martian surface, beginning to the 3.7 km away and up to 5 meters above the ground, at a speed of 5 frames per second for about two and a half minutes.
Cameras for navigation and collision avoidance: it's a series of cameras in white and black designed to prevent damage and guide the rover on the Martian surface, filled with rocks and craters that would compromise their integrity. Four of them (Hazcams) are located in the four corners of the space vehicle. Two others (Navcams) found in the mast and allow you to capture 3D image.
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3D cinema didn't already need to wear glasses

3D cinema didn't already need to wear glasses

South Korean researchers have developed a technology that could allow the construction of cinemas in 3D that do not require the use of special glasses. Explained its creators of Seoul National University, the system uses a kind of barrier so the public can see different images in each of their eyes.

In this way, the brain generates the illusion of depth without the need for additional accessories. The TV manufacturers have tried to do the same with similar systems, but your problem is that designs developed thus far need to located in a particular place the person to be the 3D image.

Apply this system in a film would be unviable, taking into account that the audience needs to look at the screen from a variety of angles. However, a recent study published in the journal Optics Expresspresentó a system that would not have these limitations.

"This new method appears to be a feasible way of making 3D environments without glasses with a front projection technology, instead of using multiple projectors only uses one", said the Professor John Koshel, Department of optical Sciences at the University of Arizona, in the United States, who edited the work for publication.

Koshel explained that the usual way of creating 3D images on a screen makes use of stereoscopes: the technique involves projecting two images in two dimensions through a special filter.

To the naked human eye both versions of the image appear as superimposed on each other, but when one gets polarized, the left lens only allows you to see one of the pictures, while quel right focuses on the other, thus creating a sense of depth.

To achieve this effect without having to wear glasses the TV manufacturers have used various techniques through the use of what is known as a parallax barrier.

This barrier is located opposite the source of the image, which has a kind of slats, similar to the Venetian blinds.

Splints are positioned at a certain angle to make light of a section of the screen is planned in one of the eyes of the Viewer, and the light of another section in the other eye, without that the images overlap.

However, this only works if the person is located at a specific point in front of the screen.

TV manufacturers have managed to design screens that allow several members of a family to see 3D images without glasses, but in any case dozens or even hundreds of people sitting in a cinema at the same time.

So the South Korean team used this same technique, but adapted it so that it had a greater range of vision from different angles.

This generated this effect of tablets but this time using polarizers similar to those used in the glasses for cinemas in 3D.

In addition, covered the screen with a special coating, that combined with adapted barrier produces several pairs of images, in theory, enough so that can see them the people sitting in front of a cinema screen.

The researcher in charge of the work at the National University of Seoul, Byoungho Lee, said that more research will still be needed, but that the technology "could be a simple, compact and inexpensive way to build a 3D film by eliminating the need for glasses".

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Former Sony employee sues Nintendo for theft of technology

Former Sony employee sues Nintendo for theft of technology

employee of the firm Sony has started a lawsuit against Nintendo, claiming that such company theft a patent that he had been previously. This patent is for generating technology in 3-d without glasses.
Seijiro Tomita, name of the applicant, has been awarded the creation of technology in 3D without the use of some type of glasses, and all claims that I have seen to large enterprises for breach of patent, this is the strangest but maybe if it can proceed.

The counsel of the Lord Tomita, Joe diamond, informed the Court of the United States in New York that the Lord Tomita met in 2003 with seven executives from Nintendo to introduce its technology in 3D. Subsequently, four of them were people involved in the launch of the Nintendo 3DS. "He felt betrayed and hurt that they used their technology" says diamond.

Nintendo response is that Mr. Tomita was only one of several candidates who submitted their ideas for the project and that in fact the Nintendo 3DS does not use the key points of his patent. In fact, one of those who carried proposals was Sharp, who later threw the display of the 3DS.

In case that the Court turn in favor of Tomita, you would receive $9.80 per each sold Nintendo 3DS that, only until 2012, have been 29,84 million. This means that the inventor Lord would be receiving $292 million. We will see later who is winner of all this mess.
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50% of games will be in 3D

50% of games will be in 3D

Ubisoft says that 50% of games will be 3D by 2012, hope that it is not so, but mentioned that they are already working on it, even they are already launching new games for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, or handheld game consoles, although of course, first will have to buy new consoles that support this technology.

For those who are not yet aware, Microsoft has signed an agreement with LG to promote games 3D on the Xbox 360, also Sony and Nintendo ready new consoles that will revolutionize the way of playing, only the thought, it gives me headache.
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New technology 4DX in cinema that smell and feel the films

New technology 4DX in cinema that smell and feel the films

If you thought that the third dimension (3D) and digital projections were the ultimate in technology that could provide a movie theater, you're wrong. Since a few weeks ago, the Peru is the second country in South America - after Brazil - where films can be enjoyed in a different way thanks to the opening of a movie 4DX theater.
tecnología 4DX en cine
With this technology, the viewer not only can see in three dimensions what happens in the movie, they can feel what is happening thanks to the effects of wind and movement, as well as by smells and to splash water.

"The room features two high-definition digital projectors, whereupon the 3D looks fantastic. Also has 240 seats moving from top to bottom, from left to right and front to back. Then, they can collect a lot of scents. Also in the room are simulated the effects of lightning, wind, smoke and even splash", explained trade Carlos days Squire, country manager for Peru and Chile of Cinepolis, the company that has brought this entertainment alternative to Lima.

The 4DX technology is not new. Used since the middle of the Decade of the eighties in films used in amusement parks of amusements, mainly in the United States. The main difference is that, instead of enjoy walks ranging from three to five minutes, there is now the possibility of extending the fun for an hour and half (on average).

Timing is key to this technology. The infrastructure of the room must be finely synchronised with the moments in which the Viewer "should" feel something.

Thus, you can feel cold in the room and the smell of freshly cut grass if the action takes place in an open field at dawn; or you can feel the wind in your face, if the protagonist of the film is in the middle of a Chase. And get ready for an action scene: seat moves side to side, according to the direction of shock; and if the protagonist falls from on high, you will feel a few blows on the back. That Yes, don't be surprised if a foreground head cut the bad Witch and feel how the Jet of blood you direct splashes in the face.

But all this fun has a high cost, compared to a regular ticket: each ticket S/37, 50. However, it can be considered an alternative to spend a very different time.
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US says goodbye to cable and welcomes the streaming

US says goodbye to cable and welcomes the streaming

The reality of the market, fortunately, always trumps the companies that exploit it. The ultimate and perfect example of this is the evolution of TV consumption in the United States. 42% of Americans used today payment platforms 'streamed' to see films - 25% payment services and 20% free - compared with 28% who did so in 2009. I.e. After television 'normal' (71%) and the DVD (51%), it is the third channel preferred by the American consumer to see film.

At the same time which increases the preference for consumption via the Internet - is in the PC, console, mobile or tablet-, today there are more people who buy or rent movies than in 2007. I.e. as said year 37% of consumers confessed to not having seen movies, neither purchased nor rented, in six months, in the current study, the figure is reduced to only 19%.

Data which, far from confirm conspiracy theories on 'piracy', taste is not so, that there are consumers willing to pay, and we're in the exact moment of change. At the point where the ecosystem of media consumption begins to tack, really, to the network: 'streaming', libraries, networking, electronic content consumption and advertising 'on line'.

They are not the only figures of the report. There are just as compelling:

-9% of Americans have canceled their accounts of television cable in 2011 and 11% would consider doing so in 2012 - and much younger, more likely to do so.

Compared with 71% who prefer to see their series and 'shows' TV favorite on TV - DVR services 35% and 26% under demand-22% make 'streaming' via the Internet free sites and 21 on the website of the program. Once again, much higher than the figures of illegitimate sites: only 15% opt for video sharing and 4% by P2P pages.

In 2007, only 23% shopped and unloaded digital books compared to 36% who choose to do so today.

-20% of young people between 23 and 28 years read press in the past six months through a 'smartphone' compared to 9% who did so in 2010. And 11% confirms that read news on your mobile is their favorite way of doing it.

With these data, a survey of 2,000 people aged between 14 and 75, it is possible to venture out and say that in 2013 or, as much in 2014, this change, eternal promise and theory, is an undeniable reality. 2012 i.e. when renewed... or die, because years that will be consumer information and entertainment provided that they are of quality and have a price right.
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Microsoft will reduce 10 GB OneDrive accounts how to avoid it?

Microsoft will reduce 10 GB OneDrive accounts how to avoid it?

The American company Microsoft just make a decision that has not pleased the thousands of OneDrive users, who will see how the space dedicated for your records is reduced in 10 gigabytes.

According to specialized media, Microsoft has been informed to free users of OneDrive that, starting from July 13, the amount of storage space of your accounts will be reduced from 15 GB to 5 GB.

Although the Microsoft decision will not affect those who have files in OneDrive weighing less than 5 GB, the truth is that users should take caution not to lose important things.

Microsoft enabled a tool so OneDrive users to register and do not lose those 10 GB, however, that promotion ended on January 31, so the only way not to lose this space would be getting a premium account.

Currently, Microsoft offers 50 OneDrive accounts, 100 and 200 GB for relatively inexpensive prices. If don't want to make any payment, a good option would be to copy all of your files to other free services, such as Google Drive.

Monday, April 18, 2016

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Los políticos holandeses han votado a través de un movimiento en el país para prohibir la venta de autos nuevos de gasolina y diesel a partir de 2025.

Los políticos holandeses han votado a través de un movimiento en el país para prohibir la venta de autos nuevos de gasolina y diesel a partir de 2025.

Futuro de Faraday sólo revela un poco acerca de su superdeportivo eléctrica
Con el respaldo multimillonario de tecnología chino Jia Yueting, de la empresa coche primera presentación en Las Vegas reveló un coche modular de alto rendimiento, pero pequeño detalle
The Faraday Future FFZERO1 electric concept car is shown after an unveiling at a news conference in Las Vegas, Nevada January 4, 2016.
Futuro de Faraday en California reveló su primer prototipo eléctrico coche de alto rendimiento, FF01, en el Consumer Electronics Show en Las Vegas el lunes, terminando algunos del misterio que ha rodeado una empresa algunos creían era un frente para el coche eléctrico rumorea mucho de Apple.

La empresa estadounidense está financiada, en parte al menos, por el multimillonario chino Jia Yueting. Yueting fundó el servicio de video online más grande de China y se rumorea que vale unos $6bn. Mientras Faraday futuro varios de sus ejecutivos de alto rangos no hay información sobre quién dirige el negocio como un todo, y ningún jefe del Ejecutivo es nombrado en el sitio Web.
An electric batmobile? The Faraday Future FFZERO1 electric concept car
Con una semejanza uncanny al batmovil, el coche de concepto se basa en lo que Faraday futuro llama una "arquitectura de la plataforma variable". El concepto es que el coche es completamente personalizable para permitir una plataforma para una variedad de estilos de diferentes vehículos. Motores eléctricos para conducir las ruedas se pueden añadir o quitar, permitiendo two-wheel-drive o all-wheel-drive. La empresa puede añadir casi cualquier tipo de cuerpo al coche, así que nada de un monovolumen a un coche deportivo es, en teoría, posible. Es, en efecto, una plataforma modular que la empresa piensa que será el futuro del diseño de automóviles.

Detalles sobre el coche sí mismo eran vagas. No hay especificaciones fueron dadas sobre tecnología de la batería utilizada, gama o cuán rápido el coche será cuando se lance en dos años. La empresa dijo que el arreglo de batería, que se llama "cuerdas", es muy flexible, permitiendo que las baterías muertas para evitarse y el número de células individuales para cambiarse dependiendo de la carrocería del vehículo final.
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Países Bajos moots futuro coche eléctrico con la prohibición de la gasolina y el gasóleo en 2025

Netherlands moots electric car future with petrol and diesel ban by 2025

El Parlamento holandés se esfuerza todo eléctrico ventas por en medio de la próxima década si el Senado aprueba moción en ley
The Renault Twizy, the French automaker’s first electric car in 25 years.
El movimiento ha pasado sólo a través de la cámara baja del Parlamento de los países bajos y tendría que pasar por el Senado holandés a ser legalmente vinculante. Pero su éxito en la mayoría pone la fecha más temprana aún en sólo cuando un país importante podría empezar eliminación del transporte de contaminantes.

Inicialmente, la moción – propuesta por el partido laborista (PvdA), el miembro del gobierno de coalición de los países bajos – pretende prohibir totalmente los coches gasolina y diesel, pero fue marcado detrás. Tal y como está, la propuesta permitiría que los coches existentes en uso, pero "se esforzaría evitar que" las ventas de cualquier generaciones futuras, asegurando que caminos holandés electrifican gradualmente durante la próxima década.

Pero el movimiento fue opuesto por socios de la coalición del partido laborista, el VVD de centro-derecha, cuyo líder, Halbe Zijlstra, había llamado el plan "poco realistas", según un informe de la emisora estatal holandés NOS. Zijlstra fue referido particularmente sobre si o no entrarían en conflicto el proyecto de ley acuerdo de energía del país, que compromete a los países bajos a ciertos objetivos de descarbonización de aquí a 2020.

El líder del PvdA, Diederik Samsom, dice que la propuesta sería factible – y que el acuerdo energético no entrar en conflicto con él. "Que contrato corre hasta 2023, somos libres en lo que hacemos después de eso. Somos ambiciosos, quizás otros partidos son menos", dijo.

Actualmente puesto de venta de coche eléctrico en los países bajos al 10%
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Su número de teléfono es que un hacker necesita para leer textos, escucharllamadas

Su número de teléfono es que un hacker necesita leer textos, escucharllamadas y seguimiento.

Debilidades en el sistema de interconexión de red de teléfono móvil le permite a criminales o los gobiernos snoop remotamente en cualquier persona con un teléfono.

German security expert Karsten Nohl demonstrated the hack by tracking a brand new phone given to US congressman Ted Lieu using only its phone number.
German security expert Karsten Nohl demonstrated the hack by tracking a brand new phone given to US congressman Ted Lieu using only its phone number.
Los hackers han demostrado otra vez que no importa cuántas precauciones de seguridad alguien toma, un hacker necesita rastrear su ubicación y snoop en sus llamadas de teléfono y los textos es su número de teléfono.

El hack, demostrado por primera vez por el investigador de seguridadalemán Karsten Nohl en 2014 en una Convención de hackers en Hamburgo, se ha demostrado todavía ser activo por Nohl más de un año más tarde durante 60 minutos de CBS.

El hack utiliza el servicio de intercambio de red denominado señalización sistema Nº 7 (SS7), también conocido como C7 en el Reino Unido oCCSS7 en Estados Unidos, que actúa como un intermediario entre redes de telefonía móvil. Cuando se realizan las llamadas o mensajes de texto a través de redes SS7 encarga de detalles tales como traducciónde número, transferencia SMS, facturación y otras funciones de back-end que se conectan a una red o llamadas a otro.

Piratería en u otra manera tener acceso al sistema SS7, un atacante puede rastrear la ubicación de una persona basado en triangulación demástil del teléfono móvil, lea sus mensajes de texto enviados y recibidos y registro, grabaran y escuchar en su teléfono, simplemente mediante su número de teléfono como un identificador.

Nohl, que está llevando a cabo análisis de vulnerabilidad de SS7 para varias redes de teléfono móvil internacional, demostró el hack para el show de la CBS. Localizó un nuevo teléfono que congresista Ted Lieu en California desde su base en Berlín utilizando solamente su número de teléfono. Nohl señaló movimientos de Lieu a distritos dentro de LosÁngeles, lee sus mensajes y grabado llamadas telefónicas entre su personal y lugar.

El mayor problema para los consumidores es que hay poco que pueden hacer para protegerse contra este tipo de espionaje, apagar su teléfono móvil, como el ataque ocurre en el lado de la red, sin importar el teléfono que utiliza.

Nohl afirmado: "la red móvil es independiente desde el pequeño chipGPS en su teléfono, sabe donde usted está. Así que cualquier opcionesque un congresista podría haber hecho, elegir un teléfono, elegir un número pin, instalar o no instalar ciertas aplicaciones, no tienen influencia sobre lo que estamos demostrando porque esto se dirige a la red móvil. Que, por supuesto, no es controlada por cualquier un cliente."

Los hackers han demostrado que puede dividir en SS7, pero los servicios de seguridad, incluyendo la nacional seguridad agencia, también sepiensa para utilizar el sistema de seguimiento y snoop en usuarios.